Created B'Tzelem Elohim, "In the Image of God"

Within each child lies a spark of divinity, as we are created B'Tzelem Elohim, "In the Image of God." Every child is special, and deserves the chance to to find their spark. Follow their lead, as their interests may become their gifts.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Goin' Back to School!

Our family would get ready for the first day of school the same way every year. The night before school we would watch (or volunteer at) The Jerry Lewis Telethon. My sister and I would spend the evening doing fashion shows and laying out our clothes. Mom always reminded us that the Georgia heat wouldn't go away for at least 6 more weeks and suggested we still wear our summer clothes to school. I never listened to her. Inevitably, the first day of school would find me sweating profusely in my courderoy skirt and long sleeve polyester shirt. I didn't care...I was back at school!

The beginning of September always seemed so exciting...seeing old friends, making new ones, romancing the possibility of changing my identity. Perhaps I would become an athelete this year, or maybe even the homecoming queen. My imagination saw no boundaries as I waited for the bus. I wonder if I should speak only French and make them think I forgot how to speak English.....

This September holds that same feeling of anticipation. Aside from a schedule a bit busier than it was in third grade (this year in addition to my regular 40 hour work week, I'm teaching a college course, teaching a second grade Sunday school class and working on my Masters degree), mostly everything else is the same. I bought some new school clothes, laid out what I am going to where this week, prepared the ziplocks with lunch food, organized my backpack and watched a few minutes of the Telethon for good measure. Come tomorrow I can be anything I want...maybe an athelete...

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